Friday, September 27, 2019

Black Necked Crane Information Centre

Situated on the edge of the forest and wetland along the main road of Phobjikha valley, the black necked crane information centre has an observation room equipped with high power telescope and spotting scopes for catching the best view of the cranes. The centre also offers display information that outline the natural and cultural history of the area. There is a small gift shop, which sells handicrafts produced by a local people.

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A pleasurable walk (around 2 hours) that give a nice feeling for Phobjikha valley. It is the most beautiful and shortest of existing nature trails in Bhutan. From the small hilltop overlooking Gangtey Goemba , head downhill through flower meadows to Semchubara village and from here through beautiful forests and in to the open valley. After passing a chorten and Khewa Lhakhang, the trail ends at the local community school, this involves a 30 minutes walk up to the start of the Town. The Nature Trail can be combined with a visit to Gangtey Goemba and the local school. Gangtey Goemba is a 16th century monastery situated picturesquely at the hilltop at the edge of Gangtey village, making it the landmark structure of Phobjikha valley.

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thimphu Dzongkhag (Capital City Of Bhutan)

Thimphu is the capital city of Bhutan and the center of government, religious and commerce. Thimphu is a unique city with unusual mixture of modern development alongside ancient traditions. Although not what one expects from a capital city, Thimphu is still a fitting and lively place. Home to the civil servants, expatriates and monk body, Thimphu maintains a strong national character in its architectural style.

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Source: Travel Blog

Memorial Chorten.

This stupa was built in 1974 in the memory of Bhutan's third King, His Late Majesty, King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, who is popularly regarded as Father of modern Bhutan. The paintings and statues inside the monument provide a deep insight into Buddhist philosophy.

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Buddha Point ( Kuensel Phodrang)

Located at a short drive from Thimphu city center, visitors can get a good overview of the Thimphu valley from the Buddha point ( Kuensel Phodrang). You can pay your obeisance and off prayers to the Buddha. Buddha Point (Kuensel Phodrang) is the largest statue in the country and then walk around and take a beautiful glimpse of valley.

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Paro Dzongkhag

The beautiful valley Paro encapsulates within itself a rich culture, scenic beauty and hundreds of myths and legends. It is home to many of Bhutan's oldest temples and  monasteries, National Museum and country's only airport. Mount. Jhomolhari ( 7,314 m) reigns in white glory at northern end of the valley and its glacial water plunge through deep gorges to form Pa Chhu ( Paro River). Paro is also one of the most fertile valleys in the kingdom producing a bulk of the locally famous red rice from its terraced fields.

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Source: TravelTriangle

Rinpung Dzong.

Rinpung Dzong is built in 1646 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, the first spiritual and temporal ruler of Bhutan, the Dzong houses the monastic body of Paro, the office of the Dzongda ( district administrative head) and Thrimpon ( Judge) of Paro district. The approach to the Dzong is through a traditional covered bridge called Nemi Zam. A walk through the bridge, over a stone inlaid path, offers a good view of the architectural wonder of the Dzong as well as life around it. It is also the venue of Paro Tshechu, held once a year in the spring.

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Ta Dzong.

Ta Dzong is serving as the National Museum of the country. It holds fascinating collection of art, relic, religious thangkha paintings, and Bhutan's exquisite postage stamps. The museum circular shape augments its varied collection displayed over several floors.

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Source: Flickr

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Taktsang Lhakhang

Taktsang Lhakhang is Bhutan's most iconic landmark and religious site. The name Taktsang translates to 'The Tiger Nest'. This monastery is one of the most holy sites in the kingdom and clings impossibly to a sheer cliff face 900 hundred meters above the Paro Valley. It was first built in 1692 at a cave where Guru Rinpoche meditated in the 7th century A.D.  Legend states that Guru Rinpoche flew to the site atop the back of a tigress and meditated in the cave for 3 years, 3 months, 3 days, and 3 hours in order to subdue evil demons residing within it.

The cave has been considered a sacred site ever since and many famous saints have traveled to meditate in it. Taktsang Lhakhang is located approximately 10 km north of Paro town at an altitude of 3.120 meters. In order to arrive at the monastery visitors must trek for around 2-3 hours through beautiful, shady pine forests. No trip to Bhutan would be complete without a visit to this remarkable heritage site.

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Gangtey and Phobjikha Valley

The valley of Gangtey is one of the most beautiful spots in Bhutan. The surprise of finding such wide, flat valley without any trees after the hard climb through dense forests is augmented by an impression of vast space, and extremely rare experience in Bhutan where most of the valley's are tightly enclosed.

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 Gangtey Valley.
 Source: Bhutan Holiday | Bhutan Travel

A few kilometers beyond the Gangtey Monastery, on the valley floor lies the village of Phobjikha. This the place the winter home of black necked cranes that migrate from the arid plains in the north to pass winter in milder and lower climate. Phobjikha, at an altitude of 2900 m, falls under the district of Wangduephodrang and lies on the periphery of the Black Mountain National Park. The valley boasts two beautiful meandering river, Nakay Chhu( Chuu Naap-Black Water) and Gay Chhu ( Chhu Karp-White Water).

According to the local legend, the two rivers actually represent a snake and a boar. The two animal once raced each other with an agreement that if the snake (Nakay Chhu) won, Phobjikha valley would be able to grow rice, but if the boar won, then rice could never be cultivated in the area. The snake lost since it had to meander all the way during its journey. Rice cannot be cultivated in the valley even today.

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  Phobjikha Valley.
  Source: TripAdvisor

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Culture of Bhutan

The culture of Bhutan is very unique and the reason for it can be attributed to its geographical isolation. Due to the late exposure to the outside world, the cultural has been preserved richly and is intact. The cultural of Bhutan can be traced back to 16th  century during the advent of the Bhutanese patriarch Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, who is believed to be the founder of the cultural in Bhutan from Tibet.

The exiting culture of Bhutan is advocated in Bhutan by him be it Religion, Architect, Dress code, Names, Food, Sports, in line with the norms and values of Buddhism. The simple act of offering prayers are advocated by him to the most complicated religious ritual. The vibrant dress code worn by men and women are his legacy, which we are proud to display to the outside world.

It was advocated by him to imbibe values in the rudimentary live of normal people in ordinary daily ritual, which conforms to the Buddhist values for creating a meaningful life in creation of a harmonious society. This unique cultural has been passed down from generation to generation and has been intact as of now.  I affirm that for harmonious society, our culture is a way to attain it and it is duty of every Bhutanese citizen to preserve and promote it. 

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Source: Trip to Bhutan

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

National Dress of Bhutan

Bhutan is a living testimony to the existing dress code steeped in cultural. It was a norm how a male and female has to be dress in the public in the past and in the present. The National dress of Bhutan is Gho and Kira. The Gho is for the men and Kira is for women. The men adorn themselves in a robe like cloth which is wear around their body and secured by a traditional belt called Kera. The robe is of knee-length when dressed and convert in to huge pocket in the upper body and we boost of having the biggest pocket in the world. When undressed it converts in the huge of cloth extending to the ankle which if required can be used as a blankets but the time has passed for arise of such occasion.

The women wore a traditional outfit called Kira which is ankle length from the bottom of the neck and secured by a kera. The out fit is usually bright colored with various patterns. Due to changed in fashion, a comfortable version during the summer is worn commonly known as half kira. This particular dress has over shadowed the traditional version and taken the women's attire by storm. Outside of the Kira on the upper body a Toego is worn which is a piece of clothing like a jacket which adds to the glamour of the women clothing.

The uniqueness of the dress differentiates the Bhutaneses from the others and it is the back bone of our culture which should be preserved for times to come.

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Friday, September 13, 2019

Lomba Festival

Lomba for the people from Paro and Haa is the most important celebration in their life. It is believed to be an occasion for rejoicing not only in one particular house but also through out the community. It is like all the happy occasion rolled in one: a new year for the community, a common birthday, a food festival and community festival.

 It is believed that in the earlier days, people spent most of the year working trying to feed themselves and to pay the heavy taxes and this occasion gave them the break away from the rudimentary live and moment to cherish with the family and community by engaging in feasting and traditional sports like Archery and Khuru. Particularly in Haa the occasion is marked by preparation and consumption of Hoentay, a sort of signature dish from that particular place.

Like any other occasion it is one of the important festival or occasion for the people from Paro and Haa and it is up to us, the younger generation to continue and pass on to the next generation.

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Source: Imgrum.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Ema Datshi, National Dish of Bhutan

Ema Datshi is an integral part of a Bhutanese Cuisine. It is a simple dish which can be prepared by any one and doesn't have a fancy recipe, this can be attributed to being the most popular dish in the lives of Bhutanese people. The main ingredients is chilies and lot of it.  The chilies can be green, red, dried or even the white one which is dried after washed in hot water. Then there is the cheese which also comes in various forms: Fresh, Home made, Dried, Little rotten and Rotten ones preserved with a special methods. Finally, some onions, tomato's, some oil and salts are added.

It is also very easy to cook with adding every ingredients in the pot with some water and bringing it to boil. After adding cheese, it is left for sometime to cook properly and when it is cooked well, it is served specially with red rice, which adds to its glamour. Like any kind of Cuisine, the ema datshi is also taking it chances with changes and recently, have experience veteran cooks adding garlic and other ingredients to it making it more delicious.

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Friday, September 6, 2019

Haa the mythical land

My visit to Haa Dzongkha during the break was memories variegated with scenic beauty, rich experience of unique cultural, pristine environment and mythology in every valley and hilltop. It was a land of tranquility in the truest sense separated from hoopla of the busy modern day, especially experienced when traveling from the outside world.

Anyone traveling to Haa for the first time via Chelela is welcomed by the three mountain peak locally reversed as the " Meri Pheunsum" towering over the Haa river meandering along the silent village clustered here and there in the valleys.The connection with the mythology start right from the contact with the sight of the mountain peak. The peak represents the embodiment of Manjushree, Avalokitesvara and Vajrapani, three supreme manifestation of Buddha family.

At the bottom of left peak is nestled the legendary lhakhang karpo(White Monastery) and lhakhang Nagpo(Black Monastery) represented by the color of walls. The civilization of Haa is also related with the construction of the monastery, which is said to be mysteriously built by humans suddenly appearing from the tripod peaks. This also gave rise to the name of the place.

Surrounding the valley is various Monastery nestled in the belly of the cliffs and hilltop which emanates a mystical aura through out the land. There will be lot details if each and every history is enumerated but it won't also do justice on my part, particular if I don't mentioned about the spiritual flower found in this place. In order to see this spiritual flower, the visit to Yangthang Goenpa, particularly at the entrance of the courtyard of the Monastery lies the rare and the only one living spiritual flower existence in Bhutan the 'Meto Udumwara', which is claimed to come in to existence only when a Buddha is born. The place is around fifteen minutes drive from Haa town and perched on the slope of a hill. There is sudden feeling of immense happiness at the sight of the flower.

After the visit to the place and learning existence of scared Buddhist testimony, the belief in the Buddhism is strengthen further. In this modern world with proven scientific method of impossible mythological elements, the visit to such places will establish somewhere in your minds that myth is also sometimes true.

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Source: Trip Adviser.