Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Culture of Bhutan

The culture of Bhutan is very unique and the reason for it can be attributed to its geographical isolation. Due to the late exposure to the outside world, the cultural has been preserved richly and is intact. The cultural of Bhutan can be traced back to 16th  century during the advent of the Bhutanese patriarch Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, who is believed to be the founder of the cultural in Bhutan from Tibet.

The exiting culture of Bhutan is advocated in Bhutan by him be it Religion, Architect, Dress code, Names, Food, Sports, in line with the norms and values of Buddhism. The simple act of offering prayers are advocated by him to the most complicated religious ritual. The vibrant dress code worn by men and women are his legacy, which we are proud to display to the outside world.

It was advocated by him to imbibe values in the rudimentary live of normal people in ordinary daily ritual, which conforms to the Buddhist values for creating a meaningful life in creation of a harmonious society. This unique cultural has been passed down from generation to generation and has been intact as of now.  I affirm that for harmonious society, our culture is a way to attain it and it is duty of every Bhutanese citizen to preserve and promote it. 

 Image result for food of bhutan

Source: Trip to Bhutan

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